Movie Previews

Listening z YouTube: Movie Previews

Zobacz nagranie video, a następnie wybierz poprawną odpowiedź.

1. The comedian says that Jean Claude Van Damme is back in the same...
a) cool film you have seen over and over and over again
b) action film you have seen over and over and over again
c) rubbish film you have seen over and over and over again
2. The comedian asks the audience whether they have known that there is coming out...
a) another Thirteen Building movie
b) another Friday 13th movie
c) another Thirty Bills movie
3. The comedian says that the kids are easy to kill, in what way ?
a) for example with a mobile phone
b) for example while talking on the phone
c) for example by strangling them with a cord
4. The girl in one of the jokes went to a detective because:
a) the Police knew the detective could help her
b) the Police could not help her
c) the Police did not know how to help her
5. At the end the comedian says that Arnold Schwarzenegger this summer is:
a) a little forty eight boy
b) a little Tortilla boy
c) a little tortured boy

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movie preview - zwiastun
kill - zabić
cordless - bezprzewodowy
mob - gang
want in - chcieć wejść, dołączyć się
weird - dziwny, dziwaczny
take a shower - brać prysznic
crap - bzdety, bzdury
desire - pragnienie
kid - dziecko
voice - głos
survive - przeżyć
community - społeczeństwo
peaceful - spokojny

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