Melvin the Superhero

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1. Melvin has a theme song.
2. Melvin made his costume.
3. Melvin knows how to play checkers.
4. Melvin cannot really fly.
5. Melvin cannot see through clothes.
6. Melvin has stopped bullets many times.
7. Melvin can swear.
8. Melvin changes clothes in a phone booth like Superman
9. Melvin is married.
10. Melvin has got a dog.
11. Melvin has not got any weaknesses.
12. Melvin dated many women.
13. Superheroes often date the mortals.
14. The vintriloquist has got 3 sons.

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bullet - pociska, kula
superhero - bohater
power - moc
theme song - znana śpiewka
costume - kostiume
deduce - wywnioskować
fight - walczyć
checkers - warcaby
verbal threat - słowna groźba
throw - rzucać
hooter - syrena, klakson (UK), nochal, kinol, cycek (US)
sick - chory
weakness - słabość
phone booth - budka telefoniczna
chest - klatka piersiowa
curse - klnąć
ridiculous - śmieszny, niedorzeczny
lung - płuco
date - randka, spotykać się, chodzić na randki
sponge - gąbka
fly - latać
the mortals - śmiertlenicy
embarrassing - żenujący
rubber suit - gumowy kostium
sidekick - pomagier
wife - żona
kid - dziecko

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