Sarah Mclachlan - I Will Remember You

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Sarah Mclachlan - I Will Remember You

0) I will remember
1) Will you remember me?
2) Don�t your life pass you by
3) Weep not for the memories
5) Remember the good that we had?
6) I let them slip away from us when things got bad
7) How clearly I first you smilin� in the sun
8) Wanna feel your warmth upon me, I wanna be the one
10) I will remember
11) Will you remember me?
12) let your life pass you by
13) Weep not for the memories
15) I�m so tired I can�t sleep
16) Standin� on the edge of something much too deep
17) It�s funny how we feel so much but cannot say a word
18) We are screaming inside, but we can�t be heard
20) But I will you
21) Will you remember me?
22) Don�t let your life you by
23) Weep not for the memories
25) I�m so afraid to love you, but afraid to loose
26) Clinging to a past that doesn�t let me choose
27) Once there a darkness, deep and endless night
28) You gave me everything you had, oh you gave me light
30) And will remember you
31) Will you remember me?
32) Don�t let your life pass by
33) Weep not for the memories
35) And I remember you
36) Will you remember me?
37) Don�t let life pass you by
38) Weep not for the memories
39) Weep not for the

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